I don’t understand boundaries

Someone or maybe most think that a boundary is such a simple term as e.g. integers in mathematic. The imagined geometrical definition is simple – something like a line or surface separating two areas or spaces. In practice, even geometrical boundary, is more difficult to clearly define. In the physical world, when we have to measure the surface of something real like a island, then we have no single number defining area – it depends on precision and the method of measure. Do you think that precision is not important? Quantum-level disruptions could cause massive changes in weather prediction….

These were the simplest thoughts about boundary. The problem is when we think about something that has more dimensions than two or three. Naturally I do not mean spatial dimensions, but certain abstract…


To understand something, we need a definition. One of the most obvious problems is its boundaries – something is inside – in the set covered by the definition, and something is outside.

Are the definitions real?

Already, in the early years of philosophy (age of Greek domination of ideas), people had a problem with definitions. Until the end of the Middle Ages, people were thinking if definitions, abstracts, entities or only physical units are real? Next problems for philosophy were, among others, how do people get to know the world…?

The most known enemy of realism of definitions is Ludwig Wittgenstein, who said that the most important aspect of life is language and that our minds “create the world” and complicate everything.

Does music exist?

In earlier post I don’t understand music (part 3 – how to define song?) we had technical problems with defining song. Now I go to another plane of thinking – the problem is that a piece music doesn’t exist only in our mind, doesn’t exist only in a score sheet, doesn’t exist only in the air. How it is possible that it can be in these planes at this same time? Does music is a part of physic, mind, structure, or beyond our reality? I don’t understand that and I give myself a rule to undermine understanding music. We have some interesting adventures ahead of us…

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